Our goals - Your path

財務グループマネージャーの指示・監督のもとで、Account payable (Direct)の業務を行う。効果的かつ効率的な業務を遂行し、財務グループひいては会社に貢献することを目的とする。

Under the direction and supervision of the Finance Group Manager, performs account payable (Direct) duties/tasks/workload. The purpose of this position is to contribute to the Finance Group and the company through effective and efficient operations.


  • PurchaseOrder(購買発注)の転記処理と価格差異の計上
  • 仕入・経費の計上内容のチェックおよび分析
  • GRIR (Goods received, no invoice received)のチェック・消込
  • 資金繰りのための出金予定を作成
  • 仕入先からの請求書と購買データの照合及び差異の問合せ
  • 支払予定表の作成
  • 定時支払の作成
  • 買掛金・未払金の残高管理
  • 支払通知書の作成
  • 債務の確認状の作成
  • 科目内訳明細書の作成
  • SIKA GROUP の債権債務相殺処理(IC-Netting)
  • Lead direct team members.
  • Posting of Purchase Order and booking of price discrepancies.
  • Checking and analyzing the details of purchases and expenses recorded.
  • GRIR (Goods received, no invoice received) checking and clearing.
  • Create a cash out schedule.
  • Reconciliation of invoices from suppliers and purchase data and inquiries about any discrepancies between invoice & PO.
  • To prepare payment schedules.
  • To prepare ordinary payment.
  • To manage accounts payable and non-trade liabilities balances.
  • To prepare and issue payment notices.
  • To prepare confirmation letters for payables in each supplier.
  • To prepare account statements for the tax purpose.
  • Reconciliation of receivables and payables of SIKA GROUP (IC-Netting)

Your expertise - Our strength

  • 経理業務経験3年以上
  • ERP使用経験(SAP尚可)
  • 日商簿記2級程度(取得済であれば尚可)
  • 英語に抵抗がない方(メール読み書き、書類を読む機会有)
  • At least 3 years of accounting experience
  • Experience with ERP (SAP preferred)
  • Japanese commercial bookkeeping level 2 or equivalent (Preferably with previous experience
  • Willingness to learn English (sometimes have chance of reading and writing e-mails and documents)

Going Beyond. Together.

In case of non-Japanese, the below requirements are needed.

1.Business level about Japanese (N1 level, at least N2 level)

2.Working experience in Japan

